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Offered by Sequence
1 Month Free with Code: FPA100
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  • Description
  • Advantage
  • Benefits

Co-Pilot Your Client's Cash Flow with Sequence

  • Sequence enables advisors to help allocate their client's spend before they spend it.
  • Using graphic mapping technology, Sequence enables advisors to allocate client money to specific pods for spend.
  • By employing a graphical structure, advisors can now help clients gain a better hold on their client's cash spend by first allocating it and then spending it.
  • With Sequence's visual mapping technology, allocating spend towards rent, food, retirement, and anything else has never been easier.

FPA Advantage

By joining Sequence as a Quaestor, FPA Members can enjoy a 1-month trial for their clients. Use Promo Code: FPA100


  • Visualize your clients cash flow using graphical mapping technology
  • Allocate spend before it happens to limit client over-spend
  • Use smart-routing rules to direct cash flow once it hits your client's income sources
  • Better monitor and wrangle clients myriad income and investment streams