FPA Business Overhead Expense Insurance

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FPA Business Overhead Expense Insurance

Financial protection for the business you have worked so hard to build
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  • Description
  • Advantage
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Keep your business up and running

If you become disabled and unable to work at your own occupation, Business Overhead Expense Insurance can keep the business up and running until you return to work. Business Overhead Expense Insurance can provide financial protection for the business you have worked so hard to build.

- Monthly benefit ranges from $500 to $20,000 per month. You pick the level of insurance you need.

- Two Benefit Durations are available: 12 months or 24 months.

 - Benefits start after 30-day elimination period.

FPA Advantage

Benefits can be used to help pay for a wide range of eligible expenses, including:

  • Office rent
  • Employees’ salaries and insurance premiums
  • Utility bills, including electric, heat, water, gas and telephone
  • Premiums for business and malpractice insurance
  • Accountant’s fees
  • The monthly average of taxes and mortgage interest payments on the business premises a member owns or leases and uses in their profession
  • Other fixed overhead expenses that are normal and customary in operating their business

Monthly maximum benefit from $500 to $20,000. Increments of $100.

30-day Benefit Elimination Period

Option of 12-month or 24-month Benefit Duration

Own Occupation definition of disability

Waiver of Premium included


Must be under age 65 to enroll. Must be under 55 in California.

Available to all active FPA members working 20 hours per week.

Coverage terminates at age 80.